Meet the Founders of Dayli Natural Reflux Relief

Meet the Founders of Dayli Natural Reflux Relief

Meet Jacob and Michelle, the dynamic sibling duo behind Dayli Natural Reflux Relief. Dayli was born out of a heartfelt mission to spread holistic wellness. It all started when Michelle’s husband, David, was at his wit's end with chronic acid reflux and the detrimental side effects of numerous prescriptions. Determined to find a natural solution, David became a kitchen scientist, experimenting with every ancient herb and old wives' tale he could find. After months of meticulous trial and error, David discovered a powerful combination of six ingredients, in exact proportions, that effectively alleviated his symptoms.


Slowly but surely, David weaned himself off his medications and, to his delight, his mixture continued to keep his reflux and heartburn at bay. At first, he mixed up his magic potion once a week and stored it in a mason jar in the refrigerator. Friends and family with heartburn issues tried it and loved the way it prevented heartburn; but they found consistently mixing it to be a hassle. That’s when Michelle and Jacob stepped in. With their entrepreneurial spirit and David’s 20+ experience in the health supplement market, they dehydrated David’s recipe and, using only the finest organic locally sourced ingredients, created Dayli Natural Reflux Relief.


Five years later, David remains heart burn and acid reflux free. Like many adults, Michelle has adult-onset acid reflux because stomach acid naturally decreases as we age. She takes Dayli every day to prevent heart burn and they give their children, ages 12 and 11, Dayli whenever they eat fatty, spicy, and high glycemic index foods. It totally works.


Now, Dayli Natural Reflux Relief is available to everyone seeking an all-natural solution to heartburn, to everyone who is tired of the side effects of prescriptions, and for everyone who believes in the possibility of being free from heartburn and side effects simultaneously. With Dayli, consumers can enjoy the relief and peace of mind that comes from a product crafted with care, backed by experience, and proven to work.


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